
Sunday, January 24, 2016

Introverts Love Snow

So yesterday I watched The Lego Movie while crushing a bottle of red. How perfect is that for a 'struggling to adult' moment? Have you guys seen it? I thought it was entertaining and cute, but I'm definitely biased because I'm in love with kid movies...Kung Fu Panda, anyone?? Finding Nemo?? Harry Potter is for adults too- let's be real!!

Anyways, today marks Day 2 of us DC area folks being stuck inside. I love snow days. Even though Storm Jonas fell on a weekend, there's still something about being unable to go anywhere that sets this apart from other weekends.

I think my love of snow days is compounded by my introverted nature. I have nowhere to be and nothing to do!! Yay! I've struggled to come to terms with the fact that I am more of an introvert in this extroverted world. A career counselor once told me that I am a "situational extrovert," which sounds like some wishy washy horoscope that can apply to anyone. I like being around people sometimes, but other times I don't. Does this not describe almost everyone?! GROUNDBREAKING.

This is not to say that I don't like people; I love people. And if you are one of my close friends, I am loyal like a sheepdog. As a "situational extrovert" though, there are a few things I wish my more extroverted brethren understood about those of us with an introverted side...Below are some highlights from a Lifehack article I recently read:

1. We're quiet, but it doesn’t mean we don’t want to talk.

I would change the latter part of that sentence to "but it doesn't mean we don't like you." I feel like this happens to me a lot. I can be shy or quiet around larger groups of people (or just people I don't know very well), and I fear this often gives them the impression that I'm stuck up or don't like them very much. That is definitely not the case! Don't read into it. I'm just quiet.

2. We like hanging out one on one better than in groups. We’ll listen to you forever.

I feel like those one-on-one conversations are when you really get to know someone. You know?

3. We suck at responding to texts because sometimes we don’t want to talk – to anyone.

Pay attention here, Mom! Don't take it personally. I just don't want to talk to anyone sometimes. Especially now that we live in this world of constant connectedness. Facebook, instagram, snapchat...etc. are all great, but sometimes a girl needs to unplug.

^Story of my life.

4. It’s hard to get us out, but we’ll have a great time when we do.

Sometimes I need to be dragged kicking and screaming out of my apartment on a Friday night. "It's going to be cold outside." "My makeup is just going to come off when I start sweating in the club anyways." "I have nothing to wear." "I could catch up on Netflix." "Sleep sounds more appealing." "I already have wine at home...why would I go out to pay for it????"--> most compelling argument. These are my mantras when I don't feel like going out. But if you can get me out (super kudos to you!), I'll have a great time.

5. We don’t like small talk.

Ugh. Small talk. Let's cut the crap and just get to know one another better, okay?

6. We don’t actually have a staple “group” of friends.

"We often pick and choose one or two individuals from different social groups that make up our closest friends. But we make this handful of best friends our life and we’d do anything for them." This is so true for me! Most of my best friends don't even know one another...  Unless you count these besties of mine shown below. 

Anyways, I know there are lots of conversations out there about introverts/extroverts, but these past couple days have given me time to appreciate where I fall on the spectrum. Where do you fall? Going stir crazy inside yet?

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